Monday, August 25, 2008

Beyond Chemical Reactions

Is rain only a liquid combination of hydrogen and oxygen that the visible mass of accumulated water vapor that floats in the atmosphere -better known as clouds- drop on earth or is there a deeper meaning to such magnificent event? Rain seems to be more magical. There seems to be more to it than the chemical and natural components that make a drop of rain fall from a cloud and touch the earth.
Rain does not only quench the thirst the earth suffers or provide water for crops to grow during season. As part of the water cycle, rain provides life for all the plants, which would not be able to acquire it otherwise. It is bound to happen as a natural consequence that comes about through a series of chemical reactions.
However, the significance of rain is more profound than what that which chemistry is able to explain. Someone once said the rain has the power to make people feel alive when a drop falls on a naked body; by which he meant an arm, a leg or the face. Thus, rain grants the very feeling of being alive. In this sense, rain is very powerful because it provides a sensation that is otherwise forgotten by many. People around the world forget to live, they confuse existence with life and rain has the mission to remind them of the difference. Yet, at the same time, that same person said that, even if a drop of rain represents life, when those drops come together to create a storm or a potent stream, they can also cause death. As well as, bring about terrible natural disasters.
Rain is also a source of memories. For those who come from where the streets are full of dirt due to their lack of pavement, there is not any other smell more special than that of dirt wet after the rain has kissed the earth. That is the well-known smell to those who come from poor backgrounds. That smell brings about memories of rainy afternoons spent out in the playground. Memories of good times come about even when the circumstances were not the best. Such smell also carries reminders of the awful times that were spent on that same playground or watching the rain from the window. Whatever the reasons, whatever the moments, whatever the past, the present always necessitates those memories that travel through time in order to appreciate how far one has come. At the same time, one requires those memories because they feed the subconscious flow of life that keeps one standing after the knees seemed to be ready to give in to the pressure.
For the artist, or the artist-in-the-making, rain represents the most soothing muse in which inspiration feeds. When raindrops fall, they sound like music that alleviates any worry and consequently leads to a torrent of ideas. Every droplet represents a new chance to create a new masterpiece, a verse on a poem, a chapter on a book, a line on a drawing, a stroke on a painting. The rain droplets are like the tears of the sky that communicates to the artists the need for her work whatever form art might take.
There are also those who find themselves in a constant state of weakness of the spirit, for whom the rain symbolizes a refuge. The limited time of a storm or a simple drizzle represents a way to escape the afflictions that decline the state of the spirit. The body also achieves a state of wellness as a result of the comforting sound and feeling of the rain. Such is not attainable by any other means. The spirit cannot fly around with the wind when it is frail; and, the rain can ensure the return of its strength.
At the end, rain is only water for millions of people who are unable to appreciate it from a different angle because they must literally wait for the rain in order to survive. There are others, who have the privilege to perceive rain as more than a part of the water cycle; and, for that, they should be joyful. The idea of a raindrop touching the surface of the earth as a magical event provides a basis for understanding where the mind of those who dream dwells. In the same way, those raindrops in the menacing clouds await the moment when they can kiss someone’s skin in order to gift life…

Poison Drops

©Copyrighted 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Ultimate Fairy Tale

Are politics a real life replica of a fairy tale? Politics seem to be one of the most complicated matters. However, when the subject is juxtaposed to fantasy, it appears a bit clearer.
In short, politics represent the process by which a group of people make decisions about their government, whether civil, academic, corporate or religious. Civil is the most commonly recognized as a political process –such will be the focus. More specifically, politics deals with the regulation of a collectivity, regardless of the circumstances and methods used to create and implement policy. A fairy tale relates the story of a folkloric character and enchantments through an exaggerated sequence of events. At the end of which, after having suffered many difficulties, a form of happiness is usually attained.
A race for a political position in a country run by a representative government is comparatively similar to a fairy tale. In a political race, a candidate uses all of what is available in order to portray the image of the perfect candidate. The candidate reveals only those attributes and sides of her personality that will help her win the position for which she postulates herself. In the same way, on a fairy tale the protagonist only exposes those qualities which will make the reader believe why she deserves better; while also making clear that all the suffering she endures is unreasonable. Thus, the protagonist of a fairy tale also strives to portray the perfect candidate, but in this case, for emancipation.
A political candidate uses her family to help her achieve her goal. All of a sudden, her children are the flawless example of what all the children in the community she will represent should be like. Her husband is the ideal husband which every woman should hope to marry and the husband every man must aspire to become. And her, she is the most wonderful woman there ever was. Of course, such image expands to her extended family and all the people that she has connections with. The protagonist of a fairy tale also uses her family as means to prove how much she deserves a better life. Indirectly, the protagonist ensures that at home she only suffers, and that she must leave before her chances of a better future obliterated. At the same time, she becomes the kindhearted person who does not complain; which makes her even more deserving of liberation. Both characters, then, fight a battle which will, at the end, make them or break them.
The campaign takes the candidate as well as the collectivity through a roller coaster of decisions. The same repeats itself in a fairy tale. In a political campaign, the candidate must choose where to make appearances that will benefit her campaign. She must be careful to choose the correct place and talk to the right people. In a fairy tale, the series or events are more or less the same. The protagonist tries tirelessly to survive in the unfavorable environment in which she finds herself, with some success, but without hurting anyone in her efforts.
Then, election time comes. If the elected candidate is that one in which the community had place all their hopes and dreams, the ending is absolutely magnificent. In the fairy tale, this ending is achieved when the protagonist finally finds her future attached to that of her prince charming. However, the reader is never told whether prince charming turned out not to be so charming after all. Nor does the reader ever find out whether the protagonist was simply pretending to be abused at home because she wanted a different type of life; one where she could enjoy all the pleasures of life. This might mean that when she was able to leave home, she could have bared her shell and shown her true self which was not as delightful as she made believe when she was home. In the same way, election time is too soon to recognize whether the newly elected candidate will rise up to the expectation of the community and be true to her word by fulfilling all the promises she made as a candidate.
Thus, the game of politics is simply a play on a fairy tale. One does not really know if one will get what one voted for. In the same way, that one will never know if the happy ending in the fairy tale was truly a happy ending and not simply a new beginning.

Poison Drops

©Copyrighted 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Only One Year

Does a year clearly represent a lifetime? Life considered from a minimalist point of focus becomes a parallel to a year-time-period. Of course, this has been a topic explored by many poets in the past although they have been largely ignored and dismissed. But what makes us think that they were wrong perhaps they were correct and if we were any smart we would listen to their words and better take advantage of the time we can enjoy in this life.
During the spring, life arises. Plants of all kinds blossom after having remained dormant for so long. Animals begin their copulation in order to preserve their species. Life can be breath around the world. That is the same way a person begins their lifetime. Everything seems so promising. During one’s early years, otherwise known as the spring, the wind blows strongly but it does not make the newly born shake. Life lies ahead. The imagination flies free and it does not worry itself with the mundane. There is not anything strong enough to cause worry because everything is possible. Dreams are the essential nutrients of one’s soul.
As the years go by and one grows older, there comes an instant when the wind that blew so strongly before stops and suddenly everything becomes clear. Then, a thought takes possession of one’s time: what about tomorrow? That is when the summer can be said to have arrived.
At that time, when the sun shines the brightest, one begins to question. Summer is a time to have fun, but also a time to invest. The fall will come and one would not want to be found in crisis for not doing anything productive during the summer. Then, when the sun burns the hottest, the road is also the clearer. But one does not worry. One does not think about the day when the sun will not longer shine as bright. That day will come and one will not find rest. Torture will make itself present because one will realize how childish it was to waste time having fun at all times as opposed to dividing time in order to have a productive and enjoyable summer. The summer is the time to materialize everything that one envisioned during the spring. As the spring did, the summer will also come to an end. When the summer presents its farewell, with it one’s dreams will also part. Dreams that were only fantasies, dreams that inspired an insufferable fear, dreams that made one a coward… they will all be gone. Forever.
Then, the grey autumn will not delay its arrival. It will be the time for one to turn back to look at the year that is almost over. One will want to look at the road that has been walked. It will, then, become clear that the best option will be to be happy and enjoy a sense of completeness with everything that one has achieved. Since the year will be over soon, it is hopeless to try to fix those mistakes one made in the spring. It will be too late to choose another path to walk; one must conform with what one has.
Winter will quickly approach. One’s success or failure will become a central point of focus. In those instants, when one enjoys the breeze of the cold winter that approaches and the random heat waves that the summer that has passed left on its way, one will have time to remember. The memories that will take custody of one’s days will be pleasant and will bring with them millions of smiles. But there will also be others surrounded by tears.
One will then remember the road chosen at the early spring. A thought that never during those months that have passed came before will play a central role. In the past, one had always counted with the next morning sun. But during the winter, when one will not know if the sun will shine the next morning, there will be a thought to torment oneself. As the year ends, one will realize that regardless of past beliefs when the year was still young and strong, the year is now old and it will be over. As the year reaches its end, a life will be over because one is only mortal as anyone else.
When that time arrives, one will only hope to discover that the ending year was spent in the best possible way!

Poison Drops

©Copyrighted 2008

Monday, August 4, 2008

Still Wanting

Is the fact that people claim not to want something specific -or anything at all for that matter- simply a way to prevent others from seeing the vulnerability of wanting something? In other words, is not wanting simply still wanting?
The idea of wanting something is a very complicated psychological state. However, it most definitely does not mean it is always recognized nor does it mean it can always be fulfilled. Even when we find ourselves not wanting anything, we still want something, namely, we want not to want anything.
New born children function as perfect examples of such claim. A new born child could be thought of as unconscious of its needs. This does not mean that such child does not know what he needs; it is only unconsciously that the baby is aware that he too suffers from necessities. The difference is that the baby is unable to express those needs with clarity. This very fact makes him so vulnerable. Thus, even when a baby is considered to be in a state where all his needs have been satisfied, the baby still wants something: to be left alone so he can rest.
As children grow older, their desires grow with them. The desires a new born baby had for food and sleep become more materialistic. Children want toys and more expensive clothing. But above all, they want acceptance. Their world view grows with them and so do their needs. The desires that children have also expand to a state where family related matters become part of the package. Children want not only to be accepted at school but also to be appreciated at home.
As we did as children, when we become adults, we still always want something. We all have desires whether for specifics or complicated generalities. Desires vary in degree of importance and go through a very extensive range of possibilities. Nonetheless, we all fit in some specific part of that broad spectrum. Material desires are perhaps the most widely recognized. Whether said desires are something as simple as a basic need such as food or something completely outrageous as the desire to own an island. Others simply long to be love. Yet there are also those people who claim to be free of such passions. Even if someone refuses to accept what his inner voice calls for, those desires do not cease to exist. Au contraire, the longer they remain unfulfilled, the stronger they become. Furthermore, those who maintain to be free of desires are precisely expressing the one stronger yearning, namely, not to desire anything at all. How then does one cope with that insufferable wish to not want anything? Impossible, it seems, due to the fact that such is the ultimate desire of which one cannot rid oneself.
Whereas that state of freedom is out of reach, in a paradoxical manner, many claim to have reached it. It is not possible to be free of desires because at the exact moment at which one wills to be so, one is already wishing for something specific and unattainable which further reassures such state as inaccessible. The inquiry becomes why the need to hide such a necessary human state. Fear to be vulnerable. When one admits to be possessed by such human passion as desire, regardless its nature, one is letting the world know one’s weakest point. To succumb to a desire is too dangerous in a world where only the strongest are said to survive. However, one should not fight against what one longs for when one can dedicate that energy to acquiring the desired items or achieving the aspired goals? In this way, energy won’t be wasted. If on the other hand, one decides to fight against a desire, one is merely wasting time and energy because the goal one aims at will never be attained.
But at the end it does not matter whether one accepts what one wants or not. Those desires are still there. Not wanting to have a desire for something is still having a desire for something. It would be easier to exist without experiencing desires at all. If one did not attach his existence to desires and feelings one would never have to suffer from any sort of pain whether physical, emotional or the like, but then the question becomes does one ever really live or would one only exist? Do notice the difference between life and existence since they are most definitely not equivalent.

Poison Drops

©Copyrighted 2008