Monday, January 12, 2009

Near Life Experience

Despite what is thought by many, there is only one chance given to each individual. There is, however, a certain influence that can be exerted to make that one chance last for as long as one exists. It can give one the motivation to live. But it can also take away all of one’s essence and never return it. Nonetheless, there is the choice whether one takes the right one or not is something one cannot predict until it has happened already; from there after, it becomes entirely one’s responsibility.
The sunlight was as bright as it can possibly be. The grass was of a beautiful green; I could not resist lying on it. I was enjoying myself as the sunrays caressed my skin. Then, suddenly I felt that I was falling into an abysm. I could really tell that it was infinite; there was not any doubt in my mind about it. Falling was as if I was in a free falling previous to opening a parachute, and I was part of the air around me rather than being myself. After a while, I noticed that what was my body had become something immaterial. It wasn’t real anymore; or it was not there anymore. Invisible, untouchable, nonexistent in the realm of reality, gone, nonetheless, somehow it was still there alive and more powerful than ever before. I could not feel it existing yet I felt how struck something softer than cotton. I could not think. Whatever was going on was unexplainable though enjoyable and it stayed that way.
After I felt my body touching the cotton like bed, I woke up. I was not longer in the grass, however. I turned everywhere and all I was able to see was a white gaseous substance going around an enormous hall. To add to my surprise, I was on the floor. It appeared just like normal floor except that it was the softest thing I have ever touched. I wanted to stand on my feet and run around to see what else was there in that unrecognizable dimension. But all I could do was look not move. Suddenly, I felt as if someone had grabbed me and in that instant my essence had been taken away without giving me time to notice, and I was unable to prevent it. At that moment I was completely gone and incapable of distinguishing whether I was or had been. Where I was and where I was not? I do not know. All I know is that the place where my remains could be found at that particular instant was somewhere in the middle of nowhere and in the center of everything.
I saw many bright colors around me and there, as if those colors were just a flash of light passing by, I was able to only see a bright white light. The white was a cover for all the colors that were hiding from my eyes, but that somehow I was still able to distinguish under the white blanket that covered them. I also heard many voices calling me simultaneously from every direction. That was something I had never experienced before. I did not quite recognize the voices, but at the same time they were very familiar; I felt the need to answer their call in some way or another.
There I was inside the chaos for the first time in my existence, able to identify real peace. I felt as if there was not any conflict between my thoughts and my desires. Reason and passion became one. Peace alone was left.
Suddenly, I closed my eyes in a place that I was visiting for the first time, but when I opened them, I was back in the grass looking at the blue sky. Such experience is unexplainable and it has become unattainable.
The question then becomes how to make that experience last for as long as one can even when others cannot understand. There is the challenge. One is the only one able to make or break oneself, thus one’s experiences are what one makes of them. Only one can decide what effect they will have on one’s existence upon their occurrence; and what will happen after one has been through one of those important events. When one knows that besides existing in this monotonous universe, one can also live in one’s own world, sometimes. But it is always one’s choice when, where, why, how and with whom one does so.

Poison Drops

©Copyrighted 2009

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