Monday, January 26, 2009


There is always a point in time when one needs to make a choice. Whether implicit or explicit or whether many options present themselves or not, a choice must always be made. Said choices are not necessarily between two similar things, at times the choice must be made between two very different things. One is sometimes forced to sacrifice something in order to obtain something else. The choices one has are nonetheless innumerable because as it is said every head is a world.
As a child, one always chooses more unconsciously whether to play outside, inside or do homework. But those are vain choices because at that time we are not yet conscious of the choices that truly matter. One’s parents are the ones who make the important choices when one is still young. In such a way, however, one grows into being responsible enough to make one’s own choices. As much as one spends the early years wishing one could choose, when that age is finally reached, it is not so pleasant.
A choice always involves options that one must weight in order to decide which of the options is less worthy. One must decide what is necessary and what is worth relinquishing so as to acquire or conserve the other. The choices that are present in everyone’s lives are of general nature that then fall into specifics depending on the situation such that involve more often than not stability and security in its different variations. It could be medical whether physical or psychological, financial, romantic, or personal such that family and friends could be affected.
Health is indeed the most important factor one has to manage. Whether physical or psychological one must always put health first since as it is well known without good health one cannot really have much else. The problem this choice arises is that one often forgets about psychological health and focuses completely on the physical. Perhaps such is due to the more easily observable poor state of the body, but is should not be an excuse to neglect one’s psychological well being. Both are important in the scheme of a healthy life. One should not choose between one and the other, rather place them in the same category because they are parts of a whole.
Financial matters are always important as well since without financial stability one must sometimes forego other important things. But financial choices are made at an early stage in life when one is not actually conscious of making said choice, at least many people are not. One chooses to stay in school and figure out how to afford such luxury in this selfish world in order to improve one’s condition in the future. One might contrarily choose to abandon school but find another way to be financial stable, which seems to work occasionally. It is not relevant how one achieves financial security so long as it is through a legal way otherwise one faces other important choices of legal consequence.
The choice everyone seems to be constantly facing is a romantic choice that involves the love that already exists in their lives or the lack thereof. Many seem to place this factor of their lives at the top of the list due to fear of loneliness. It is understandable because one is always surrounded by people thus the need to have someone at one’s side for the better part of one’s life, but such does not excuse neglecting other equally or more important factors that seem to suffer at the mercy of whatever this romantic choice results to be.
However, choosing is not as easy as it might seem when the choice is first presented. All the categories involved in acquiring security and stability are intertwined, thus creating a difficulty for the decision making process. Hence the need to consider the secondary effects a choice could have in other aspects of one’s life as well as how said choice could affect one’s family and friends.
Yet, a choice is always personal. Options and opinions can be heard, but the only responsible person for the choice made is the one making it. The rest are only spectators. However significant the choice, one must always choose since it does not make a difference how intensely one tries one cannot have two glories. A choice must be made as to which one is more important because there are not any two things worth the same. It is always one or the other.

Poison Drops

©Copyrighted 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Sensing the Feel of Life

The feelings experienced are more often than not intertwined with what the senses provided when evidence of being alive is required. If a signal reaches the brain from one of the five senses, it is taken as a proof of life. At the same time, one’s feelings also send signals to the brain that serve the same purpose. Although the signals seem to produce the same effect, they are rather different. Then one must face the inquiry of how does one know whether one is alive or not. Such is due to the difference between living an existing. Everyone exists as it is obvious, but very few people actually live. Here is then where the difference between those signals sent by the senses and those sent by feelings is so important. The signals received by the brain from the senses tell the body that one continues to exist whereas those that are received as a result of a certain feeling one experiences remind the body that one is alive.
The sense are only able to report the existence of someone due to their capacities are very limited as is their number. There are only five senses, which only allows a certain reach into the world; and, said limitation prevents them from reporting of the state of living of the individual in question. Through the senses one is able to experience the world in its most simple form.
One can hear the world. There are too many sounds at once for one to be able to discern specifics, however, one is still capable of knowing the different sounds there are. The sounds range from the simple sound of the wind makes on a split second when it is passing by on its way through when it is traveling the around the world, and, the sound the ocean makes when it is in rage or when it is calm to the sounds animals makes in order to send a message about the dangers that approach, passing through the sounds that can be heard in industrial cities… and, then there is silence. The view of the world is equally fantastic at times and very disturbing at others. One learns to enjoy what is pleasurable to the sight, which varies greatly since the same things do not please everyone. At the same time, one also sees other landscapes and images that are not amiable to the eyes, thus one tends to ignore them or tries to. Not necessarily a solution since as a result of such action many problems in the world remain.
One can also smell and taste the world. The odors to which one is subject when walking through the world are very numerous, some are pleasant others are disgusting but that is only normal since not everything can be pleasing. The same occurs with the things one tastes. Sometimes one is pleased with the choice made; others one might regret it since the palate was not comfortable. Then there is the power of touch. It is indeed another sense that provides for evidence of existence because one can touch the world as simple as that. The world is there for one to enjoy, the change, to improve, to touch…
Contrary to what this evidence might prove, in order to be alive one needs more than what the senses provide. One needs to be able to feel something when the senses are active and even when they rest. Hence, there are feelings and emotions to account for life. One is alive when one is capable of feeling anger, sadness, happiness, love and even stress, etc. Said emotions are a proof of one’s life because they are not superficial as is the evidence they take from the senses. Even though the senses supply the necessary data for the existence of life, they alone cannot serve as a sign of life. There are many individuals whose senses are still active, yet they cannot feel anything and all there is left for them is to fall in a deep and eternal sleep. If one is not longer able to feel sad or angry or happy and exhibit the signs of such feelings, then one is not really alive but merely existing as one more object in the world.
Life is a possession everyone believes to own, but living is much more than having a space on earth. Life is not hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting or touching, life is feeling…

Poison Drops

©Copyrighted 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Near Life Experience

Despite what is thought by many, there is only one chance given to each individual. There is, however, a certain influence that can be exerted to make that one chance last for as long as one exists. It can give one the motivation to live. But it can also take away all of one’s essence and never return it. Nonetheless, there is the choice whether one takes the right one or not is something one cannot predict until it has happened already; from there after, it becomes entirely one’s responsibility.
The sunlight was as bright as it can possibly be. The grass was of a beautiful green; I could not resist lying on it. I was enjoying myself as the sunrays caressed my skin. Then, suddenly I felt that I was falling into an abysm. I could really tell that it was infinite; there was not any doubt in my mind about it. Falling was as if I was in a free falling previous to opening a parachute, and I was part of the air around me rather than being myself. After a while, I noticed that what was my body had become something immaterial. It wasn’t real anymore; or it was not there anymore. Invisible, untouchable, nonexistent in the realm of reality, gone, nonetheless, somehow it was still there alive and more powerful than ever before. I could not feel it existing yet I felt how struck something softer than cotton. I could not think. Whatever was going on was unexplainable though enjoyable and it stayed that way.
After I felt my body touching the cotton like bed, I woke up. I was not longer in the grass, however. I turned everywhere and all I was able to see was a white gaseous substance going around an enormous hall. To add to my surprise, I was on the floor. It appeared just like normal floor except that it was the softest thing I have ever touched. I wanted to stand on my feet and run around to see what else was there in that unrecognizable dimension. But all I could do was look not move. Suddenly, I felt as if someone had grabbed me and in that instant my essence had been taken away without giving me time to notice, and I was unable to prevent it. At that moment I was completely gone and incapable of distinguishing whether I was or had been. Where I was and where I was not? I do not know. All I know is that the place where my remains could be found at that particular instant was somewhere in the middle of nowhere and in the center of everything.
I saw many bright colors around me and there, as if those colors were just a flash of light passing by, I was able to only see a bright white light. The white was a cover for all the colors that were hiding from my eyes, but that somehow I was still able to distinguish under the white blanket that covered them. I also heard many voices calling me simultaneously from every direction. That was something I had never experienced before. I did not quite recognize the voices, but at the same time they were very familiar; I felt the need to answer their call in some way or another.
There I was inside the chaos for the first time in my existence, able to identify real peace. I felt as if there was not any conflict between my thoughts and my desires. Reason and passion became one. Peace alone was left.
Suddenly, I closed my eyes in a place that I was visiting for the first time, but when I opened them, I was back in the grass looking at the blue sky. Such experience is unexplainable and it has become unattainable.
The question then becomes how to make that experience last for as long as one can even when others cannot understand. There is the challenge. One is the only one able to make or break oneself, thus one’s experiences are what one makes of them. Only one can decide what effect they will have on one’s existence upon their occurrence; and what will happen after one has been through one of those important events. When one knows that besides existing in this monotonous universe, one can also live in one’s own world, sometimes. But it is always one’s choice when, where, why, how and with whom one does so.

Poison Drops

©Copyrighted 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

Occasional Miracles

There seem to be unwritten rules and instructions on the how to charm a person. These rules, however, vary so much that they have become unrecognizable in the present day. Some people seem to believe that anything will do, but that is not the case. There are extreme cases when people reach a level of creativity unknown until then in order to charm someone that has called their attention but who does not seem to noticed them. Then, there are the other cases of those who believe that only occasional miracles will do. If the method of the former is bound to work at some point if only to later find out that the relationship did not work, the method of the latter also works and more often than not leads to a longer lasting relationship. There seems to be a contradiction within the very idea of such events, but the reasons are unknown. It is difficult to reach a consensus on whether occasional miracles are enough o charm someone because in theory they should not be and so do many people believe, but in practice the results are very different.
In the case of those who put their every effort in to charming someone, it is quite difficult to figure out why the victim, in other words the one to be charmed, does not fall for the tricks. However, it might becoming somewhat clearer why this method does not work if one analyzes the fact that some people feel suffocated when someone is around them literally or figuratively at all times. It is true that people cherish attention, but that does not necessarily mean that they want to be under the spotlight at all times. There are those who enjoy this sort of thing, which is why this method of overly straining oneself to charm someone else tends to work on certain people. Some people might even feel as if the other person is trying to control them because this person that seems so interested appears to have all tricks under the sleeve and there is not any possible way to escape their reach. Lastly, perhaps most important is the fact that it does not seem natural that someone would try so hard to charm someone. Usually people realize whether their tricks will work in order to continue trying, otherwise they move on.
On the other extreme are those who simply do not try or at least make it seem as if they are not. This method as absurd as it might seem, appears to have better results than the aforementioned. People respond to cravings. This is perhaps one of the reasons that this method of the occasional miracles has positive results. If someone that is there or had a neat detail towards someone else, then all of a sudden this person disappears, might cause the victim, again the person to be charmed, to want more attention or another one of those details that show that person still cares. As mentioned earlier, people like attention and if suddenly they do not have it, then they enter a sort of chaotic state. Thus, some people conform to those occasional miracles because that is the only source of attention they receive. For others those miracles might be enough, but because due to how sporadically they occur, these people are left with the idea that if even this person one comes around every so often, then certainly there won’t be anybody else who would. But then again, details do matter; and, if that is all someone is receiving, then they perhaps carry extra weight.
Then, there does not seem to be a clear answer as to what is the correct method as to how to charm someone. The best guess is perhaps that every person functions in a different way and what might work for someone might not work for someone else in the same way that what works one day might not work the next. The idea of having a mixture of both tricks is possibly the best choice. In this way, the person doing the charming can show that they truly care about the other person, but without the latter feeling on the verge of asphyxiation.
Occasional miracles are like lays because one cannot have only one. But if one has too many without control, then the consequences might be rather unexpected, and not necessarily the premium results one expected when one had the first one.

Poison Drops

©Copyrighted 2009