Monday, July 28, 2008

Love: Attempted Definition (and Consequences)

Is love or is it not? That is the question. Does love really exist as an independent entity or is it simply a human creation which could be either helping the chaotic world in which we exist stay afloat or accelerating its demise?
Many claim that love just is and it cannot be questioned or defined. However, I believe that whatever cannot be defined it must, as a result, be inexistent. In this case, if love can be defined into existence, it could potentially be a frantic entity.
Love is, to begin with, a four lettered word that presents itself as a beautiful set. The letters that compose the word simply match each other. It is has roots in old English as well as old German and Latin. The interesting discovery is that is comes from the Latin word lubēre which means to please. This finding immediately makes one ponder the question: to please who? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines love as a strong human affection which proceeding from one’s inadequacy, one necessitates and seeks someone who completes oneself. As well as an attachment, enthusiasm or devotion towards another being/thing; or holding someone dear which in the search for reciprocity in the desire for union, provides fulfillment, happiness, and energy to stay together, communicate and create. It is a feeling of surrendering to someone or something. Chaos not yet mentioned.
Society considers love a complement of various factors. Love functions then in a spectrum that ranges from simply wanting to see someone special to thinking that the presence of that person is necessary.
In love’s space between the ends of that spectrum, there are many different stages. Love is more an obsession or a habit. When one loves, one is expected to think about only one person day and night, to have an irresistible desire to hold that person in one’s arms. Yet, one is at the same time expected to continue a life in such a state. It is impossible. Love dictates that even if one tries to banish any trace of the object of one’s affection, one will not succeed in doing so. In the same way, there is not anyone who can compare to the beauty that the object of one’s affection embodies. That beauty goes beyond any physical boundaries. The moment one is said to have fallen in love with someone that person who has newly acquired our favor becomes unique. That person is supposed to become the center of our world without our knowledge. I repeat, how could one then lead a normal life after such an event? Impossible, I tell you! There is no such thing as this love societies speaks of, how could there be?!
Furthermore, once is supposed to experience a shiver and heartbeat acceleration when the object of one’s affection is present. This strange feeling can be controlled but not for long since the minimal show of affection is said to make it recur. Society claims the existence of a certain feeling of protection involved in the idea of love.
Nevertheless, love is not all personified by happiness. It is also claimed to be filled with despair and concern. One cannot dominate the idea that the person who is the object of one’s affection could not be doing well. Even worse, that said person might not be there the next day whether due to what would be considered a disaster, namely death, or simply to the fact that what one thought was an eternal connection might actually be time constricted.
One renegades of society if such relationship does end without realizing that society was the one who created it to begin with. One does not comprehend that the only eternal items that one possesses are the ones that one has in the present and that it will be thus while they last.
If we all thought that love really exists and that this societal definition of it is what love is, then the world would be far more chaotic than what it is now. We would all focus in these relationships that we hope to make eternal; only thinking about the future which will prevent us from enjoying the present.
At the end, in order for the world to remain afloat love is a luxury that we cannot all enjoy. It is a fight between those who want the boat to stay in the surface and those who want to sink it: which side are you on?

Poison Drops

©Copyrighted 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i dont know which side am i on, but i do know that at the stage of my life in which i find myself @ right now, i have this unexplicable feeling of an empty spot in my life, i'm not neccessarily saying dat is love wat i'm missing out on in order to feel fulfilled but i do know dat those things dat many ppl claim might b true in their own lil world....

one thing i do agree wiht u on is dat nothing is forever...
