Monday, June 16, 2008

Self-Produced Reality

Is it possible for what we tend to call reality to be a genuine entity in which we can rely in order to justify our every day existence? It certainly seems to be so, but there is not any way to be convinced.
Reality is that which is totally determined. However, I find that not to be constantly the case. If reality was indeed totally determined, then there would not be absolutely anything worth fighting for. The end of the road would already be known and we could just sit and enjoy the ride rather than trying to change the path the train takes and doing our best to prevent if from derailing. This, however, is not the case at all. We continually engage into the very selfish practice of picking and choosing what to consider as important part of our lives, and through that, even if it is a subconscious practice, we decide what pieces form our reality. Nonetheless, we refuse to accept such fact.
So often the situations in which we find ourselves and the people we find ourselves surrounded by turn out to be such disappointments. In which cases, we simply move on. That is a performance which is otherwise known as changing our reality. Provided the world is not the perfect place to spend our existence, we must recognize that it is so only because it is a representation of our ideas. In turn, our lives are but a reflection of such ideas. But since as human beings we naturally thrive for the best, we are powerful enough to make of the world as we please even though our decisions are not always the most widely accepted.
The reason we find ourselves in situations we do not enjoy is because we put ourselves in those situations. After careful deliberation, I have decided that anything that happens to us is because we allow it to do so. There are signs that we must be cautious enough to understand in order to avoid such situations. To our dismay, however, we are incapable of recognizing such signs until the worst has passed. By which time, we assure ourselves that there is absolutely not any way in which we could have known what was coming. But too late do we realize we were wrong and we could have predicted those situations and with that absent prediction we could have escaped them.
A question that is quite bothersome: how do we wind up surrounded by the wrong people? The answer: our doing. We tend to make certain traits in us more pronounced which in turn tends to attract the wrong people towards us. Whether we find ourselves with the not so perfect friends or with the wrong object of our affection, it is always a direct result of our actions. This is due to our judgment or lack thereof. We must become acquainted with the people we surround ourselves with early in order to avoid any later problems of discomfort and the cruel realization that the people with whom we spend most of our time are far from who we thought them to be.
As it becomes obvious through these minimalist arguments, one holds the power to create the reality in which we want to exist. A great life is, of course, never guaranteed. But it is rather completely dependent on our good judgment. What goes wrong is never the situation and in the same way the people around us do not change in a split second. We, unconscious but simply choose not to be aware of those things that make situations and people mistakes before they actually become one. We must be careful to make the world the a representation of the ideas that would make it the proper place we wish to inhabit as opposed to those which are flawed and would only lead to decay.
If the situation shall present itself in which there is absolutely not a sign of future light, fear not. There is always a way out of a self perpetrated misery. Pain is undeniably inevitable. But in the cases it must appear, suffering is only optional.
Advice: Please do make sure that your reality is totally determined by you. Also, that your world is but a reflection of your own ideas. Otherwise, it is neither your reality nor your world at all. It is simply someone else’s play, the one in which you have taken a role as a delightful puppet.

Poison Drops

©Copyrighted 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey mujer
como ke ya esta d mas ke t diga ke me gusto el blog y ke hay muchas cosas en las ke estoy d acuerdo contigo..
por ejemplo, the fact that ppl whom we discover not to b the ppl we thought they were didnt really change....most of them have always been the way they's been us teh ones who have refused to see the reality....

y nunca esta d mas darnos cuenta d ke el hecho de ke algunas personas no son como a nosotros nos gustaria ke fueran no significa ke ellas hayan cambiando o ke no sean las personas ke habian aparentado ser...

regardless of what i already is also true dat there are fake ppl
