Monday, May 25, 2009


The author is aware that there have been many assumptions made about the work that has been presented through this outlet. Said work does not in any way represent anyone’s opinion but those of the writer. There were occasions when interviews/talks were indeed held in order to advance a certain degree of research on the subject presented, but said interviews/talks were not transcribed as such into any article. The author also recognizes the work presented might at times sound extremely sarcastic and cynic, perhaps even arrogant and narcissistic, but rest assure that it is always genuine. But rather than focusing on such superficial details, the reader is invited to be amused at minimalism in every aspect, which is somehow presented in this space. Nevertheless, the reader must not forget to thrive to find the complicated in every detail because there is certainly more than the previously mentioned superficial aspects to this work. In order to understand one must read between the lines and observe the world that surrounds the opinions expressed through them since there is so much more to these articles than what is written on them. Although many times the author failed to do so, there was an attempt to articulate the need for qualitative writing as opposed to quantitative in every aspect of the literary sphere especially when the issues discussed are of particular controversy.
The author does not seek approval for the thoughts here expressed because they are not aimed to conform but to challenge the norm. Furthermore, this is not an opportunity to flaunt the author through words or throw some candy-coated façade about the author’s opinions and thoughts. It is simply a space to express them.
Finally, please do note the Irish proverb that reads: “work like you don't need the money; dance like no one is watching; sing like no one is listening; love like you've never been hurt; and live life every day as if it were your last.”

Poison Drops

©Copyrighted 2009

p.s. This is, as it might be obvious, the last blog. It was a pleasure to have written all the articles.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Thy Shadow But Thyself

It is often said that the only guarantee one has in life is the fact that one will inevitably die one day, which is a mistake. There is another detail that life has guaranteed from the moment of one’s birth: pain in any of its varied forms. One is bound to be hurt and to suffer whoever one is and whatever one does. While such suffering is at times self-perpetrated, many others it is caused by those around. Yet, the only reason one is able to feel such pain is because one allows the feeling to overpower oneself. One must be able to differentiate between the trust one has on oneself and the trust one places on others, which is ultimately what makes the difference in feeling painful disappointments or dismissing such events as simple discontent. If one disregards others’ ability to account for one’s happiness, happiness will in fact be reached especially when it requires one to depend exclusively on oneself in order to be achieved.
As unnecessary as this might sound, one should know that life is not an easy task to experience despite the fact that the only architect of a life is the person who lives it. There will always be difficulties surrounding one’s every step since there is not anybody who can design a perfect life. One must be prepared to cope with the shortcomings of the design one makes. Regardless of those deficiencies, one must trust oneself to be strong enough to withstand the winds that will shake one to the roots and attempt to break one. One must remain solidly attached to the ground and in one piece. It will hurt, but one will be well if one so decides. One must also understand that pain is necessary for one to grow. One must comprehend the extent to which suffering plays a role in advancing potential as it is said, what does not kill will strengthen. It is inevitable to suffer. But the pain, whatever its source and however strong, is only temporary. The amount of time it remains depends on the kind of wound and who caused it. One should be able to discern the past of each wound so that one can surpass the pain. Whatever or whoever caused one to ache exists in a past that can only reach the present if one is not strong enough to leave it where it belongs. If said pain continues in the present, it will prevent satisfaction.
It is also important to realize that the only person one should trust is the one who can be observed in the mirror every morning. As one can guarantee people will harm one in one way or another, trust should be placed only on oneself; especially considering that the only person interested in someone’s personal well being is the person whose welfare is in question. Thus, trust should be a personal affair. Nevertheless, one should not by any means forgo relationships of any kind due to fear of being hurt. One must trust oneself enough to entertain those relationships and know that when and if they end, one will emerge perhaps with scars but well. One should, of course, trust the people who take part in one’s life. Yet, one should not trust them to the degree where one depends on them to be well. One should only trust them to a certain extent that will always allow one to be perfectly fine without ever having to depend on others’ actions.
Finally, one must be able to face that fact that one can also be the cause of the pain experienced. Perfection is not a quality enjoyed by anyone and as such one is bound to make mistakes. Hopefully, one makes many since that would mean one has actively participated in life as opposed to having remained inside watching life walk on the sidewalk from the window. Watching from the sidelines will not build the confidence necessary one needs to stand up after each mistake and continue the journey towards success. A success that means one will be well despite the flaws discovered, which is an important insight because the question is not about what is possible, the question is, what does one really want? Whatever the answer is, trust it can be done if one desires it enough to achieve it. That is the only way one can live a life in which one will truly live, learn and move on.

Poison Drops

©Copyrighted 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Implications: Theory Plus Practice 101

There is a dream held by many children around the world that in some cases materializes and in others it simply remains a dream that follows them everyday until it begins to haunt them if it is never reached. There are many other children, however, who have never heard of such dream. College is a dream that seems so far away when one starts school at a very early age; but which one learns is attainable, as one grows older. One must remain in school and earn good marks in order to be able to attend college. There is also the cost issue, but that does not seem to stop many if they really wish to attend an institution of higher education. Yet, it is a dream that many seek to achieve although for different motives. More than a dream, college is also a rollercoaster of enjoyment, an enlightening incident, a nightmare, an escalator of growth, and a safety net.
There are many who know about the dream and who choose to let it walk by. Their reasoning is perhaps based on past unjustifiable mistakes or in a different dream, which they hope will provide a better future than college would. Most of these people, however, do no realize that they are merely exchanging future stability for the ever-fleeing present delight. There are, of course, other options that vary according to the person since there are many who have accomplished their heart desires’ without necessarily attending college. Yet, the fact that it has happened does not mean it always will. It is an unreliable option.
One goes to college expecting to learn a life lesson and hoping that upon abandoning the institution one is fully prepared to engage in real life. Much to the contrary, once one is actually in college, one finds out that college will perhaps do as we hoped, but it will do so in its own twisted ways. College, one learns, is a time to enjoy life. One has many liberties that were not previously enjoyed and advantage of such is taken plenty. The joy is never ending because there is always something new and exciting to be discovered. Many of those things lead to positive paths; others lead to damnation where what has been lost will never be recuperated. But such mistakes and experiences are an important part of the college experience.
It is inevitable that college will be an enlightening incident as well. Despite the efforts to focus on the fun encountered during those years, one learns much more than one had expected the day one’s parents left one outside the dorm building. One learns not only the difficulty of acquiring all the responsibilities that one’s parents took care of at home, which included but are not limited to paying the bills, making sure one arrives home alive and well at night and feeding oneself. One learns that there is another world outside the bubble one had lived in. There are simple lessons to be learned such as complicated math and how to write a proper analytical essay among the hundreds of other available subjects, but there are other important lessons that are not directly addressed inside a classroom: everyday survival.
College is also dreadful due to the innumerable assignments, exams, readings, countless nights spent at the library and the like. But that is small price to pay. In that process, one also dismisses all the mistakes one has made while walking that path in the hopes that they’ll remain part of only a nightmare and thus unreal. Yet, the most terrifying bit is that one is mostly alone and independent. Along the way, one also grows or at least hopes to do so. One must mature and become a better person once all the pieces of the puzzle are properly arranged together.
Finally, college is a safety net. It will not matter how many times one fails attempting triumph, one can always rely on that college diploma as a flashlight to find new opportunities and a settee to rest when those opportunities do not produce the expected results.
Whether pleasant or painful, every single memory shall be greatly cherished. Additionally, if one falls while reaching for the stars, the fall, though frightening, will be amusing. In the process, a lesson must be learned so that the next time one tries, one arrives at the stars. In the meantime, however, the clouds will be there to hold one.

Poison Drops

©Copyrighted 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Fishing Trip

There are many people who need help with life. In fact, everyone needs help at some point in life. The difference lies in how people deal with this need. Some people never attempt to seek said needed help and learn after difficult and long struggles, how to cope with their problems alone. Other people, however never learn and they need constant encouragement, which at times turns into a hand holding procedure whenever they encounter a problem that seems to be bigger than them which might not necessarily be the case. The dilemma raised by this situation is that there is a very thin line between encouraging someone in order to help them overcome their difficulties and holding their hands through as they walk through their problems on their way to defeating them.
There is a very small group of people who are self-sufficient. These people actually do not necessitate at any given time anyone to provide them help with anything. They tend to help others often, and in consequence people sometimes tend to feel as if they own them some help when they need. But that time for repayment never arrives. These people are very uncommon, yet they exist. They are also generally humble since they know there is not any need to swank their abilities. They are good at whatever they do, hence if any of them offers help one most definitely should accept it. There will not be a disappointment in doing so.
There are other people who as those who fall in the previous category also do not need help achieving their tasks. Yet, they require something a bit more drastic. They need to be encouraged in any endeavor they might choose to take. They need to be constantly reminded of how well they perform their job or any task that is given to them or which they choose to do. It is not that they are incapable of doing what they must; rather they need someone to remind them that they are capable to do so. They tend to forget their passed glories since more often than not these people are those have suffered a crisis that let them fall from the branch where those who are completely self-sufficient sit. They need to be simply encouraged, merely through words but not actual physical help or whichever kind of help is required for them to accomplish their tasks. Finally, there are those others who need to be walked through life whatever path they choose. These people do not only need to be continuously encouraged in any possible way that might provide them some confidence. They also need to have someone next to them at all moments in which they attempt to complete a task. Otherwise, they will not make an effort since they are afraid that they will fail and there will not be anybody to fix their mistakes. They persistently need to be taken care of and the support of those around them because they feel as though the world will end if that is not the case. They simply cannot do anything on their own. They always need a presence of someone whom they believe stronger and thus capable of holding them as they walk if the occasion might present itself when they stumble in order to prevent them from falling.
There is, however, a problem. The first category of people is so sure of their capabilities, that when they fail, they fall to the bottom. It is difficult for them to rise again. The last category of people is simply incapable of survival. They must constantly be nurtured. Helping them is rewarding because one feels accomplished since the task at hand that required help is done by the helper not the one who sought help. They are regularly given fish so they can eat, but they never learned and never will learn how to fish so they can feed themselves.
The second category of people is more practical. They will make their best effort to success, but they know they will need the help of those around them in the same the same way those around need from them. Although they might need to be reminded, they have longed learned how to fish in order to feed themselves. The key is to know the rules as if one had written them, but knowing that one is merely improving them.

Poison Drops

©Copyrighted 2009